
Hugh’s vast experience with systems and his recommendations

For Hugh, the most interesting thing is to share resources about systems. In this realm, he shared a brief thought about what is happening – design changing – which should shift designers' concern from form of objects to be more concerned about structure, meaning, and context… but also shift from concern from object to systems of objects and systems of systems and ecologies.

Thus, the medium and materials designers used to use have changed as well. The world of manufacturing now needs to add value with software and sensors and connecting them to the cloud, services, and more, creating a new kind of world in which we are forming new “information-product-service ecologies.”

This all, then, he argues, requires a new approach to designing and design education – one of the main changes, in addition, is that the role of designers is moving from making a fixed thing to situations in which others can design – metadesign. In this world of change, we need to look at how practice and education change.

He finished by talking about the FDE – Future of Design Education initiative driven by Don Norman, where he is participating together with Paul Pangaro in a working group in education for systems design. Hugh is open to conversations regarding what we should be adding here.